Institutional positions
Judicial and ministerial assignments
He has received over 250 assignments from courts and the Ministry of Economic Development.
From the Courts:
From the Ministry of Economic Development:
Accounting advisor and attester
Based on the experience gained also as a Judicial Commissioner, he deals with assistance in the drafting of composition with creditors and debt restructuring plans, as well as with the certification of composition and restructuring plans.In particular, it deals with the preparation of the composition and restructuring plan, preordained for their verification by stress test.It has prepared tax transaction proposals pursuant to art. 182 ter l.f ..
Assistance in Extraordinary Administration procedures
He has gained experience in assisting Commissioners in Extraordinary Administration Procedures (recently with reference to the Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A. procedure).
Assignments in the insurance and banking sector
He works in the insurance sector, holding the position of independent director in charge of controlling the risk management system and member of the supervisory body.
He gained experience as an agent indicated by the banking class in the context of plans certified pursuant to art. 67 l.f ..
Corporate and tax advice
He provides consultancy and assistance to companies operating in the industrial, commercial, tertiary and financial sectors.
Recently he worked as advisor for the sale of the Universo Bimbo brand business units.
Statutory Auditor and Auditor
He has held and holds positions as auditor and statutory auditor of companies.
Conferences and didactic activities